Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Wed, Oct 17th. Salagiri to Italian Basecamp (11,500ft)

The tent was soaked, but most of our gear stayed dry. Fortunately today would be a fairly short day, so with any luck we’d get to camp and be able to dry things out again before the afternoon rain returned. We were a little worried about one of our porters, Dawa. It seemed like everyone else had pulled out warmer gear - down jackets and synthetic pants - but he was still in jeans and the same thin jacket he’d had from the start. Luckily Ongchhu had some spare long underwear to loan him.

Finally up past the subalpine foliage today and out into the open - we reached treeline!  Not much for views as the clouds arrived as we cleared the forest. Becky ate her entire lunch today, so I think she was fully recovered. One of the locals who lives at the basecamp cabin during trekking season has an adorable dog that’s quite the beggar. As we sat in our tent eating lunch, he laid down right at our front door and stared at our plates. He reminded us of the little kid in Sibang asking for biscuits so we named the dog Bizgood.

We went for a short hike past camp in the afternoon up to the moraine to look at the glacier and the route beyond. Supposedly there’s a steep section down onto the glacier that is the worst bit of trail we’d see on the circuit.  With there being several large groups, two unsupported teams, and us all leaving for the next camp tomorrow, getting through the crux bit of trail might be a bit of a bottleneck.

Dinner as usual was fantastic; chow mein, mashed potatoes, garbanzo beans, and pineapple for dessert.

...the next day

link to all the photos

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