Friday, July 28, 2017

Lyman Glacier, Chiwawa Mtn

Becky and I were home for approximately 24 hours from the Pasayten Wilderness when we realized that with our remaining three days of summer break, we could squeak in another short trip...and revisit our old nemesis, Chiwawa.   We'd tried twice, from two different routes and been skunked...but this time we came with way more technical gear than we'd likely need in order to cruise the glacier no matter how icy conditions were.
Turns out the glacier was in fantastic ice screw or rope needed at all... a super fun climb and fantastic views.  Nice way to wrap up our two week break.

Linky to the photo albums

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Summer break - two weeks in the North Cascades

Becky and I had the last two weeks of July off to get in some quality time in the North Cascades.

Trip #1 was the 'Devils Dome Loop' - a fun three-day jaunt around Jack and Crater Mountains.   Lots of wildflowers, the use of a motorboat shuttle to cut off a day of shoreline hiking, and perfect weather!

After we wrapped that up, it was east to the Methow Valley for a couple days of lazy hotel time at the Freestone Inn.   Acting like adults and sorting our gear while enjoying a swimming pool and hotel happy hour was pretty nice.

Trip #2 was north of Winthrop, up into the Pasayten Wilderness.  We did a loop out of the Chewech River/ThirtyMile Trailhead...climbing Remmel, Amphitheater, and Apex Mtns along the way.  Sadly, the clouds and thundery weather we had while staying at the Freestone ended up being the storm that sparked the Pasayten fires that raged the rest of the summer out there- we were lucky to get in the trip we did before the mountains blew up.

Linky to the rest of the photos