Friday, August 29, 2014

SHR Day 4: Gabot Pass, Mono Creek, Laurel Lake

Day 4: Gabot Pass, Mono Creek, Laurel Lake

We left Toe Lake and climbed easy slabs and meadows towards Gabot Pass, so named as its in the saddle between Mt.Gabb and Mt. Abbot. While the descent was technically easy, we had about a mile of clamboring over huge car sized boulders forming the old terminal moraines of the glaciers below Gabb and Abbot. After about 1400vf of descending, we’d reached the meadows of Upper Mills Creek Lake. We both wondered about the couple we’d met and how long it would take them to carry their dog, Lily, through all those boulders.

Easy travel through meadows past the Mills Creek Lakes brought us to our next puzzle. From the lakes to Second Recess canyon, the ‘track’, when we could find it, wound down 1,000vf through steep scree, sand, and brush with a waterfall on one side and 5th class slabs on the other. Once in the canyon, we passed by more inviting swimming holes, some with waterfalls pouring into pools of perfectly cool water, but again, the swimming needed to wait till later.  We plodded through the forest down the long, low-angle valley to Mono Creek.
Once at Mono Creek, we reloaded our water bottles, soaked our feet and enjoyed some shade before we began to chip away at the 2,000ft climb in the afternoon heat. We reached the lovely Laurel Lake by mid-afternoon and Pete nearly made himself sick chugging many, many liters of water trying to correct a bad case of dehydration.

Once again, we stared up at improbable-looking slopes that were to be our ascent route in the morning. We thought we spied a path through a steep, grassy couloir, but we wouldn’t know for sure if it went until the next day. All the other improbable-seeming climbs worked out so we took it on faith that it would be fine and spent the evening enjoying an amazing sunset. 

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